VIRTUAL Mars 2020 and MOXIE

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Morse Institute Library
Virtual Adult Program

Event Details

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NASA's Mars 2020- Perseverance rover recently celebrated its one year anniversary on Mars. Learn about the accomplishments it made in one year, with a special focus on one of its instruments, MOXIE, in preparing human exploration to Mars.

Piyush Khopkar is serving as one of the NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassadors since 2016. He truly enjoys sharing the excitement of space exploration with the people around him. Piyush is part of the MOXIE and the Mars 2020- Perseverance Rover mission team. As a part of the MOXIE team, he gets to operate MOXIE on Mars. He is proud to be part of the MOXIE team who helped in generating the first ever Oxygen on Mars! He works as a Software Engineer by profession and holds Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Event Type(s): Adult Event
Age Group(s): Adult

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