Managing Change in a Radically Changed World

7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
Morse Institute Library
Virtual Adult Program

Event Details

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While some people thrive on change, many react with feelings of helplessness, fear, inertia, or anxiety. These reactions are especially prevalent as we are exposed daily to news relating to the pandemic, societal events, the economy, and individual and collective loss and grief. In this online webinar, renowned coach, psychotherapist, CNN commentator, and author of international bestseller 
Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life, Lauren Mackler, discusses: the four coping mechanisms to adversity, embracing versus resisting change, inner and outer support systems, and practical tips for developing greater resiliency and reducing stress.


Lauren Mackler is a life, relationship, career, and executive coach, therapist, and speaker. She is the author of Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, co-author of Speaking of Success with Jack Canfield and Stephen Covey, and creator of Illumineering Coaching. She has served as a commentator for CNN, faculty member at Northeastern University and Babson College, lecturer at Harvard University, and educator at Kripalu and Omega.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Library

Event Type(s): Adult Event, Virtual Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult

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