VIRTUAL - Finding History in Star Wars

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Morse Institute Library
Virtual Adult Program

Event Details

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Given that it takes place “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,” Star Wars storytelling is framed as history. The Star Wars franchise, however, draws inspiration from our own shared past, as distant as ancient Rome and as recent as events from our own lifetimes. If we look for the history in Star Wars, we can see how the franchise focuses on historical patterns, from the fall of democracies into tyrannies to the victories of underdogs against oppressors. Join Dr. Sturgis as she investigates the real-life history that has inspired different eras of Star Wars storytelling, and discover the lasting importance of Star Wars’s messages of warning and hope.

Amy H. Sturgis holds a Ph.D. in History from Vanderbilt University. She serves as faculty at Lenoir-Rhyne University and Signum University, staff on the Hugo Award-winning podcast StarShipSofa, and editor in chief of Hocus Pocus Comics. An award-winning scholar of science fiction and fantasy, Sturgis has been interviewed as an expert by LIFE Magazine, The Huffington Post, and NPR’s “Talk of the Nation,” among other media outlets. She has taught either undergraduate or graduate classes on Star Wars every year since 2015. Sturgis is the author of four books and the editor/co-editor of ten others, including a forthcoming anthology of Star Wars scholarship to be published in 2023 from Vernon Press.   

Sponsored by the Friends of the Library 

Event Type(s): Adult Event, Virtual Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult

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